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[XWI]⇒ [PDF] A Southern Tale of Forgiveness Brandi Lei Morrison 9781456454043 Books

A Southern Tale of Forgiveness Brandi Lei Morrison 9781456454043 Books

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Download PDF A Southern Tale of Forgiveness Brandi Lei Morrison 9781456454043 Books

A Southern Tale of Forgiveness Brandi Lei Morrison 9781456454043 Books

Brandi Lei Morrison's "A Southern Tale of Forgiveness" is one of the most touching, inspiring and elevating novels I've read in a very long time. The author's debut novel opens as a deceivingly simple story of female fraternal twins, Tessandra and Jewels, born to a birracial couple of humble means at the dawn of the last century. The subtle twists of Ms. Morrison's novel begin just there, in the opening pages, as the author describes the birth of the twins. Tessandra emerges from her mother's womb, her skin as dark as her father's, followed by the surprising arrival of her twin, Jewels, who is as fair-skinned as their mother. That Tessandra is the firstborn is indicative of her brave, somewhat brash, confident and ever-loving personality. She's a protagonist I am reluctant to let go of, and will remember for a very long time. In contrast, Ms. Morrison paints Jewels as a frail, vulnerable and light reflection of her twin. These differences are an interesting literary choice, and the delicate issues of race, attitudes, faith, duty and familial bonds will push and pull against the sisters throughout the novel.

"A Southern Tale of Forgiveness" moves elegantly through the turbulent history of race in Louisiana in the mid-1920s, WWII and later through the Civil Rights Movement of the early 1960s. The book strays far from any racial cliche and doesn't paint the characters as victims -in spite of the racial divides of the eras- which would have done a terrible disservice to a plot and character development that are flawlessly executed.

The book moves between a present set in the mid-60s to a series of family tragedies in the late 1920s and '40s. These events both bonded and almost serrated the relationship between the sisters. Jewels' reaction to their shared pain and her heartbreaking decisions clash against Tessandra's unending perseverance, drive and optimism. The book never moves slowly, the story and plot are extremely well paced, and yet I always got the feeling that a soft female voice with a slight Louisiana accent was reading the story to me, from the front porch of Tessandra's carefully tended house or the bedroom that Jewels often hid inside, whether as a child or a grown-up. As a storyteller, Ms. Morrison has a firm, confident, gentle voice and she has created a world where, as it often happens in real life, pain can either help us discover our inner strength and faith...or it can drive us to bitterness and depression. In the end, her characters must make their choices, and as a reader, I was profoundly moved by the choices they made. Congratulations to Ms. Morrison for a superb novel, and I look forward to many more!

Read A Southern Tale of Forgiveness Brandi Lei Morrison 9781456454043 Books

Tags : A Southern Tale of Forgiveness [Brandi Lei Morrison] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Female twins, Jolie and Tessandra Cormier were born in southern Louisiana in the year 1919. Jolie is born white like their mother,Brandi Lei Morrison,A Southern Tale of Forgiveness,CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform,1456454048,Christian - General,Fiction,Fiction - Religious,Fiction Christian General,Religious & spiritual fiction

A Southern Tale of Forgiveness Brandi Lei Morrison 9781456454043 Books Reviews

This book is absolutely awesome. It is an easy reading book. From start to finish it captures your full attention. A bittersweet story dealing with racial issues with a great lesson in forgiveness. Looking forward to reading more books from the author.
This story takes you to places within yourself that will make you cry, sad, happy, and angry. This story I would recommend everyone read. Everyone that has ever been discriminated against or has ever been different. In fact, I bet this novel will make a wonderful movie. Just read the synopsis of the book and be the judge for yourself. For more information on the author >> <<
A moving story dealing with not only two sister's relationship, it dealt with the color of their skin too as they were twins born to an interracial couple in 1919. One is born black, the other is white. One day the son of one asks questions of the other before he goes off to college as he's worried about his depressed Mom and the story weaves a tale that doesn't fully explain everything to him. But the storyteller (his aunt) does let us the readers know more as she thinks back on those early days. The ending is a twist and a bit shocking but gives a closure to that horrible time in their lives. Thoughts about God are throughout but not as "preachy" ones, but more like "why". In that era God was a strong presence in most people's lives and the author weave's this into the story nicely. Well written and thought provoking!
A Southern Tale of Forgiveness by Brandi Lei Morrison
Reviewed by Alex Canton-Dutari
I must say that I am quite partial to stories of psychological and cultural inspiration. "A Southern Tale of Forgiveness" did not let me down.
The plight of a set of twins of different color living in the South during the first half of last century was a big enough mess. What Ms Morrison described throughout her novel was somewhat expected but poignant.
I was happily surprised to read the dialogues, which included French phrases. This reinforced the location of the story.
My favourite portion was that pertaining to Jolie's stay at L'Aide. I found it nothing less than superb.
The subject of forgiveness --after living with deep guilt-- was very well handled and completely credible.
I, usually, go by the rule that regional lingo should appear only in dialogues. Though in this particular case I do not know if some flexibility in the narrative is due to the author's inclusion of forms of speech due to regional upbringing, or were slips. An example "..get off of..." and "walked passed..."
I look forward to Brandi's next book.
Brandi Lei Morrison's "A Southern Tale of Forgiveness" is one of the most touching, inspiring and elevating novels I've read in a very long time. The author's debut novel opens as a deceivingly simple story of female fraternal twins, Tessandra and Jewels, born to a birracial couple of humble means at the dawn of the last century. The subtle twists of Ms. Morrison's novel begin just there, in the opening pages, as the author describes the birth of the twins. Tessandra emerges from her mother's womb, her skin as dark as her father's, followed by the surprising arrival of her twin, Jewels, who is as fair-skinned as their mother. That Tessandra is the firstborn is indicative of her brave, somewhat brash, confident and ever-loving personality. She's a protagonist I am reluctant to let go of, and will remember for a very long time. In contrast, Ms. Morrison paints Jewels as a frail, vulnerable and light reflection of her twin. These differences are an interesting literary choice, and the delicate issues of race, attitudes, faith, duty and familial bonds will push and pull against the sisters throughout the novel.

"A Southern Tale of Forgiveness" moves elegantly through the turbulent history of race in Louisiana in the mid-1920s, WWII and later through the Civil Rights Movement of the early 1960s. The book strays far from any racial cliche and doesn't paint the characters as victims -in spite of the racial divides of the eras- which would have done a terrible disservice to a plot and character development that are flawlessly executed.

The book moves between a present set in the mid-60s to a series of family tragedies in the late 1920s and '40s. These events both bonded and almost serrated the relationship between the sisters. Jewels' reaction to their shared pain and her heartbreaking decisions clash against Tessandra's unending perseverance, drive and optimism. The book never moves slowly, the story and plot are extremely well paced, and yet I always got the feeling that a soft female voice with a slight Louisiana accent was reading the story to me, from the front porch of Tessandra's carefully tended house or the bedroom that Jewels often hid inside, whether as a child or a grown-up. As a storyteller, Ms. Morrison has a firm, confident, gentle voice and she has created a world where, as it often happens in real life, pain can either help us discover our inner strength and faith...or it can drive us to bitterness and depression. In the end, her characters must make their choices, and as a reader, I was profoundly moved by the choices they made. Congratulations to Ms. Morrison for a superb novel, and I look forward to many more!
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