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Definitely Maybe in Love Definitely Maybe series Book 1 edition by Ophelia London Literature Fiction eBooks

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Definitely Maybe in Love Definitely Maybe series Book 1 edition by Ophelia London Literature Fiction eBooks

That was painful to read. Or maybe it's just because I already had a headache, but either way, I struggled to get through Definitely, Maybe in Love. I was beyond excited when Entangled launched their New Adult imprint, so I dove straight into this one. I was even more excited because the main character is an Environmental Science student. I honestly didn't care that it was also a Pride & Prejudice retelling, since all that means is that we know exactly how the story is going to play out. Unfortunately, Spring Honeycutt (a most unfortunate name) completely ruined any potential that this book had from the very first chapter.

In the first two chapters of Definitely, Maybe in Love we learn almost everything we need to know about Spring Honeycutt. She's in her junior year of Environmental Science at Stanford and is working on an undergrad thesis, which is awesome! As someone with a degree in Environmental Science, I was looking forward to reading about someone I could probably relate to! Unfortunately, Spring is one of those self-righteous environmentalists who make the rest of us look bad. On top of that, she clearly states that she's trying to stand out and be noticed by looking the part of an environmentalist. Basically she turned vegetarian and gets her hair braided every two months. Great.

Furthermore, she's even a feminist, since that typically goes hand-in-hand with being a "tree hugger." Except that her definition of being a feminist is to not listen to ANY music performed by male artists. Say what?! Spring is one of the most close minded person I have ever encountered. She claims to live by "live and let live" but she doesn' all! Pretty much anyone involved in finance, business, land development or related fields are evil idiots and don't know anything about the environment. I would suggest she take Urban Ecology and Environmental Economics to see just how far off point she is!

In fact, the catalyst to getting Spring and Henry (her Mr. Darcy) together is that her adviser tells her that her thesis is missing an understanding of the opposing side, so to go get help from a economics student. She grudgingly does so in order to get a good grade, but does she actually learn anything by the end of Definitely, Maybe in Love? I don't think so. She dates said economics student (actually he's a land development law student, but whatever) and takes out her precious braids, but that's it. Oh, and she says "frack" instead of, ya know, which is beyond irritating, and no one in the book seems even fazed by it.

I could actually go on and on about Spring being a fake environmentalist, but I'll move on to some of the other things that bothered me in Definitely, Maybe in Love. Braids! Spring's braids are mentioned constantly! Like having braids is suppose to mean something. I wore braids all the time when I was in elementary school, and even now sometimes my mom braids my hair so I don't have to deal with it for a little while. Braids are not some environmentalist staple, and yet there's way too much focus on Spring's hair! Why is that?! And the entire book felt like a Diet Coke advertisement. It's all anyone ever drinks and it's always mentioned by name. Why not just have a character grab a "soda"? Does it always have to be Diet Coke?!

The time line of Definitely, Maybe in Love also threw me off at times. Well, maybe not the time line specifically, but the transitions between scenes. It jumps around a lot, since these 260 pages cover an entire year, but many times it's not clear how time is passing. One page it's Thanksgiving, then suddenly they're getting read to leave for Winter break, but on the very next page they're already back from break. Then the next chapter it's suddenly Spring Break. Where is the time going!? A few times, it seemed like the very next day or at least close, but then Spring would say something about several weeks passing. It was all very jumpy.

Maybe I was too close to the subject matter to just sit back and enjoy it, but Definitely, Maybe in Love was one of my biggest disappoints of the year. Spring is a horrible protagonist and I never felt like cheering for her to get her man. I liked Henry. He seemed genuinely nice, but we really only see him through Spring's eyes, which puts him down as a spoiled rich boy who must hate the environment since his family owns lots of land. By the end, we see that's not true at all, but Spring never gave him a chance to show that earlier. Plus, the entire book is just boring. Perhaps I'm just use to NA being really dramatic, but nothing happens. It's all about Spring, and I hated her.

*Disclaimer: I received this book from the publisher through NetGalley for review. No compensation was offered or accepted.

Read Definitely Maybe in Love Definitely Maybe series Book 1  edition by Ophelia London Literature  Fiction eBooks

Tags : Definitely, Maybe in Love (Definitely Maybe series Book 1) - Kindle edition by Ophelia London. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Definitely, Maybe in Love (Definitely Maybe series Book 1).,ebook,Ophelia London,Definitely, Maybe in Love (Definitely Maybe series Book 1),Entangled: Embrace,Romance General,Romance New Adult,Coming of Age

Definitely Maybe in Love Definitely Maybe series Book 1 edition by Ophelia London Literature Fiction eBooks Reviews

Spring she's not one to beat around the bush, "just so you know, referring to someone who loves the planet as a tree-hugger is just about the lamest thing I've ever heard. This isn't nineteen-eighty." Henry I did like him he needed to grow on me but he isn't one to miss a thing, "you did." He slid his hands into his pockets, his posture easing. "You were with two other women on the street, you stopped in front of my driveway and gave my Viper the finger. I watched the whole thing out the window." Henry he's kind of a blunt guy as well, "oh, yeah, umm." Henry pulled himself forward, fingering his chin. "Let's see. Harley-Davidsons, comic books, and..." He raised a lightning-quick smile at no one in particular. "And a certain woman who's not afraid to tell it like it is. Definitely my guilty pleasure number one at the moment." He slowly moved his eyes toward me and winked again. "Oh, and cranberries." Henry he has issues with possessiveness but I think he's just protective, "tell him to leave your house and never come back." I liked this book it reminded me a whole lot of "Pride and Prejudice" just with a modern twist.
This book makes me want to watch Pride and Prejudice again. Followed by Bridget Jones' Diary. Ophelia London once again creates characters that are relatable and flawed. The setting took me right back to my own college days. And the love story between Spring and Henry sucked me in. DMIL strikes just the right balance between Jane Austen and Ophelia London. I can honestly say I fell in love with this book!
Story Breakdown

Spring Honeycutt is determine to live the life of a sustainable consumer. She has enrolled at Stanford as an environmental science major (holding down three jobs and taken out student loans to do so). She lives the lifestyle as much as possible--wears her hair in braids, shops at second hand stores, is a vegetarian and more. To her, land developers are harden criminals against the environment--the last thing she wants to do is EVEN consider that the land developers side of the story. Per her professor's advice, she must stop to think about the opposition to add the depth to her thesis if she wants to have any hopes of it being published. Enter Henry Knightly III, a land baron's son. Of course Spring and Henry are destined to hate each other--right?

Much to her surprise, Henry and her form an unlikely friendship. They like to debate and can argue each other into a corner, but cannot deny the attraction they feel for each other. Henry forces Spring to look at things from the other side of the equation, just as Spring forces him to examine how things have been done in the past. Through a series of mistakes and assumptions, the two are driven apart and together throughout Spring's junior year at Stanford. When they finally seem to be able to be together, the unthinkable happens. Will the two of them ever end up being able to be together when the time is right?

My Thoughts

This is a modern retelling of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice but even if you are not a fan of hers, you will fall in love with this story. Set in present day, the characters are your typical collegiate students trying to figure out their way in life and their own opinions.

The characters are fabulous. Spring is a complex, opinionated sometimes irritating but lovable character. She is at the point in her life where she feels that she has to live the lifestyle to really believe what she is advocating. Henry is brooding, equally complex and opinionated but likable guy. Even when you feel like you should not like him, he just could make me smile at the things he said and does.

Those who are familiar with Pride and Prejudice will see the similarities of the story but not so much so that you are bored with it. Spring and Henry still have to get through their own issues and challenges before they can fully appreciate each other.
That was painful to read. Or maybe it's just because I already had a headache, but either way, I struggled to get through Definitely, Maybe in Love. I was beyond excited when Entangled launched their New Adult imprint, so I dove straight into this one. I was even more excited because the main character is an Environmental Science student. I honestly didn't care that it was also a Pride & Prejudice retelling, since all that means is that we know exactly how the story is going to play out. Unfortunately, Spring Honeycutt (a most unfortunate name) completely ruined any potential that this book had from the very first chapter.

In the first two chapters of Definitely, Maybe in Love we learn almost everything we need to know about Spring Honeycutt. She's in her junior year of Environmental Science at Stanford and is working on an undergrad thesis, which is awesome! As someone with a degree in Environmental Science, I was looking forward to reading about someone I could probably relate to! Unfortunately, Spring is one of those self-righteous environmentalists who make the rest of us look bad. On top of that, she clearly states that she's trying to stand out and be noticed by looking the part of an environmentalist. Basically she turned vegetarian and gets her hair braided every two months. Great.

Furthermore, she's even a feminist, since that typically goes hand-in-hand with being a "tree hugger." Except that her definition of being a feminist is to not listen to ANY music performed by male artists. Say what?! Spring is one of the most close minded person I have ever encountered. She claims to live by "live and let live" but she doesn' all! Pretty much anyone involved in finance, business, land development or related fields are evil idiots and don't know anything about the environment. I would suggest she take Urban Ecology and Environmental Economics to see just how far off point she is!

In fact, the catalyst to getting Spring and Henry (her Mr. Darcy) together is that her adviser tells her that her thesis is missing an understanding of the opposing side, so to go get help from a economics student. She grudgingly does so in order to get a good grade, but does she actually learn anything by the end of Definitely, Maybe in Love? I don't think so. She dates said economics student (actually he's a land development law student, but whatever) and takes out her precious braids, but that's it. Oh, and she says "frack" instead of, ya know, which is beyond irritating, and no one in the book seems even fazed by it.

I could actually go on and on about Spring being a fake environmentalist, but I'll move on to some of the other things that bothered me in Definitely, Maybe in Love. Braids! Spring's braids are mentioned constantly! Like having braids is suppose to mean something. I wore braids all the time when I was in elementary school, and even now sometimes my mom braids my hair so I don't have to deal with it for a little while. Braids are not some environmentalist staple, and yet there's way too much focus on Spring's hair! Why is that?! And the entire book felt like a Diet Coke advertisement. It's all anyone ever drinks and it's always mentioned by name. Why not just have a character grab a "soda"? Does it always have to be Diet Coke?!

The time line of Definitely, Maybe in Love also threw me off at times. Well, maybe not the time line specifically, but the transitions between scenes. It jumps around a lot, since these 260 pages cover an entire year, but many times it's not clear how time is passing. One page it's Thanksgiving, then suddenly they're getting read to leave for Winter break, but on the very next page they're already back from break. Then the next chapter it's suddenly Spring Break. Where is the time going!? A few times, it seemed like the very next day or at least close, but then Spring would say something about several weeks passing. It was all very jumpy.

Maybe I was too close to the subject matter to just sit back and enjoy it, but Definitely, Maybe in Love was one of my biggest disappoints of the year. Spring is a horrible protagonist and I never felt like cheering for her to get her man. I liked Henry. He seemed genuinely nice, but we really only see him through Spring's eyes, which puts him down as a spoiled rich boy who must hate the environment since his family owns lots of land. By the end, we see that's not true at all, but Spring never gave him a chance to show that earlier. Plus, the entire book is just boring. Perhaps I'm just use to NA being really dramatic, but nothing happens. It's all about Spring, and I hated her.

*Disclaimer I received this book from the publisher through NetGalley for review. No compensation was offered or accepted.
Ebook PDF Definitely Maybe in Love Definitely Maybe series Book 1  edition by Ophelia London Literature  Fiction eBooks

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